Saturday, January 31, 2004

Treasures of the Heart


Treasures of the heart

Are ones that make you soar

Higher and higher

Flying into the heavens

Cares and worries far behind

Love, vitality, harmony

Making you whole

Making you free

Joining together



Growing together as one

Feeling the other’s soul




Finally at last

You have found what you sought

Search no further

Deep within yourself

Is the beauty that will draw

Your butterfly to you

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Flower Communion


This poem was written for the Flower Communion ceremony at the Unitarian Fellowship of South Florida.  The Flower Communion is a beautiful nondenominational ceremony that shows that singly we are pretty, but together we make up a beautiful bouquet that is unique.  You can find more information on the Flower Communion by visiting the UUA website.


Opening, Blossoming

Reaching towards the sun

Symbols of humanity

Similar, yet different

Each unique

But each equally beautiful

Everyone is a flower

Together we are a beautiful bouquet