Sweet and fleeting
Dreams live within
Life flows forth
To truly enjoy life is to bring life to your dreams
Reach ever farther
Never give up
No matter how far-fetched the dream
We are but mere dreams in the mind of the Goddess
She would never give up on us
Therefore our dreams are an extension of the divine
Life is full of surprises
Life is filled with dreams
Happiness pours forth
Thoughts appear and float upward
Let your dreams resound
Let your life force flow
Let the Goddess shine through
Dreams are within our grasp
Just have faith
Know that your dreams are worth fulfilling
Know that you are worthy of dreaming
Know that you are divine
Dreams of the future
Dreams of love
Dreams of safety
All dreams will come true
If you think positively
Your soul wants you to dream
Your soul wants you to succeed
Your soul loves you
Let your heart and soul dare to dream
Life can take on any shape that you want it to
Life forms itself around your hopes and dreams
If you have no hopes and dreams,
then Life has no form, no vision
Whispers of hope
Thoughts of dreams
Every tear shed over a lost dream
can be turned into a tear of determination
Decide that life is worth living
There is a rainbow of possibilities
Feel the warmth of existence upon your skin
However, don't merely exist
strive to live your dreams