Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Bittersweet Mysteries


To know your thoughts
To know your dreams
To catch a glimpse within
Intrigues aroused
Feelings awakened
Some may say you aren't for me
Some may ask me why
There is a mystery
Its so hard to say
The way you move
The way you smile
The way you think
Its not just one thing
You are a total person
You are a shining soul
Truth and vitality pour forth
I may not be able to tell you
You may never know
Feelings abound
Feelings locked deep inside
Sadness overwhelms
For the bittersweet mysteries
Life brought us together
Life keeps us apart
Not life itself
But fear of living
Fear of reaching out to another
Lives so different
Yet lives so similar
If I only knew
It would be so much easier
I know my thoughts
Yours are a mystery
Friends say they know
How can anyone but you know
Give just a hint
Give just a clue
Let me taste the bittersweet mysteries of life

Saturday, August 9, 2003

Words–The Sound of Life


Sounds escaping
Air passing
Syllables forming
Sentences gathering
Words - the sounds of life
Random and free flowing
Or formed and thought provoking
Our words show who we are
They express our inner truths
Our words can be manipulated to deceive
They can change lives
I hate you
I love you
All are just words
Words have meanings
Words evoke feelings
Speak with passion and dignity
Let your words show who you are.

Sunday, August 3, 2003

Songs of Nature


Leaves rustling in the trees
Bees buzzing around
The songs of nature fill the air
But we are of nature too
Our lives are a song
They are our songs
They are the songs that the Great Mother sings through us
Her chants, Her praises
We are the instruments as well as the trees, the rocks & the animals
This planet is Her orchestra
Let us play in divine ecstasy
Each movement, each word is a note in her song
Its beauty is exquisite
Its love is wondrous
Some notes are filled with love
Other notes are filled with sorrow
She plays the full scale upon us
Feel the range of notes within
Enjoy Her spark of creativity
As you are a part of her creation
We are all a part of the songs of nature