Sunday, November 23, 2003

Sufi Life




Dervishes in thought

opening up

aspiring ever higher



reaching fana

annihilation of self

becoming one with god



moving back inward

knowing the power of god

yet feeling the human experience

baqa at its finest





seeing sacred in all we do

that is the life of a Sufi

Sunday, November 16, 2003

One Day



Some say one day my prince will come
Others say one day my life will get better
I say stop living for one day
Because that one day is now

Be here in the now
Be here in the today
Life flies by in the blink of an eye
And waiting for one day, you will miss today

The future is distant
The past is gone
Today is what we have
So lets spend it the way that we should

Love those around you like today is the last
Taste the life that you have with the zest of no tomorrow
See the richness and beauty in every second you live
For this is the moment that you are living for

Saturday, November 1, 2003




Soaring higher and higher
Feet way off the floor
Heart opening
Feelings flowing

In total harmony with life

Flying in on the winds
Never knowing where it will take me

Dawning of a new day
New year beginning
New feelings forming

Creation beginning again

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Samhain Night


Darkness creeps in

the land quiets down

anticipation of visits

as the veil thins

Relatives long gone

Coming by for a chat

Their spirits are here with us

Closer then ever before

Love ones we have missed

Others we are glad are gone

Those not known to us

All here to visit once more

Witches celebrate

Its the Celtic new year

Time for change and transformation

Time for renewal



Everything spinning

As the Wheel of the Year starts again

Saturday, September 20, 2003

The Power of Language



Words spring forth

right from our mouths

they pour from our hearts

they leap from our minds

changing, molding

they form the world around us

biting, hurtful, painful

some just tear us down to nothing

loving, revering, inspiring

others lift us up to fly in the heavens

listen the words around you

what do they really mean

one word can mean many things

be careful of what you say

one word can change your life

what words will you be using today?

Monday, September 1, 2003



Sweet and fleeting
Dreams live within
Life flows forth
To truly enjoy life is to bring life to your dreams

Reach ever farther
Never give up
No matter how far-fetched the dream
We are but mere dreams in the mind of the Goddess
She would never give up on us
Therefore our dreams are an extension of the divine

Life is full of surprises
Life is filled with dreams
Happiness pours forth
Thoughts appear and float upward

Let your dreams resound
Let your life force flow
Let the Goddess shine through
Dreams are within our grasp

Just have faith
Know that your dreams are worth fulfilling
Know that you are worthy of dreaming
Know that you are divine

Dreams of the future
Dreams of love
Dreams of safety
All dreams will come true

If you think positively
Your soul wants you to dream
Your soul wants you to succeed
Your soul loves you
Let your heart and soul dare to dream

Life can take on any shape that you want it to
Life forms itself around your hopes and dreams
If you have no hopes and dreams,
then Life has no form, no vision

Whispers of hope
Thoughts of dreams
Every tear shed over a lost dream
can be turned into a tear of determination
Decide that life is worth living

There is a rainbow of possibilities
Feel the warmth of existence upon your skin
However, don't merely exist
strive to live your dreams

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Bittersweet Mysteries


To know your thoughts
To know your dreams
To catch a glimpse within
Intrigues aroused
Feelings awakened
Some may say you aren't for me
Some may ask me why
There is a mystery
Its so hard to say
The way you move
The way you smile
The way you think
Its not just one thing
You are a total person
You are a shining soul
Truth and vitality pour forth
I may not be able to tell you
You may never know
Feelings abound
Feelings locked deep inside
Sadness overwhelms
For the bittersweet mysteries
Life brought us together
Life keeps us apart
Not life itself
But fear of living
Fear of reaching out to another
Lives so different
Yet lives so similar
If I only knew
It would be so much easier
I know my thoughts
Yours are a mystery
Friends say they know
How can anyone but you know
Give just a hint
Give just a clue
Let me taste the bittersweet mysteries of life

Saturday, August 9, 2003

Words–The Sound of Life


Sounds escaping
Air passing
Syllables forming
Sentences gathering
Words - the sounds of life
Random and free flowing
Or formed and thought provoking
Our words show who we are
They express our inner truths
Our words can be manipulated to deceive
They can change lives
I hate you
I love you
All are just words
Words have meanings
Words evoke feelings
Speak with passion and dignity
Let your words show who you are.

Sunday, August 3, 2003

Songs of Nature


Leaves rustling in the trees
Bees buzzing around
The songs of nature fill the air
But we are of nature too
Our lives are a song
They are our songs
They are the songs that the Great Mother sings through us
Her chants, Her praises
We are the instruments as well as the trees, the rocks & the animals
This planet is Her orchestra
Let us play in divine ecstasy
Each movement, each word is a note in her song
Its beauty is exquisite
Its love is wondrous
Some notes are filled with love
Other notes are filled with sorrow
She plays the full scale upon us
Feel the range of notes within
Enjoy Her spark of creativity
As you are a part of her creation
We are all a part of the songs of nature

Monday, June 16, 2003

Visions of the Future



The future is being written as we speak

Our lives unfold before our eyes

Mysteries await, destinies fulfilled

Our lives are a wondrous blessing

Our souls dance together in unison

Our lives entangled as one

United by the Lord and the Lady

A love that goes beyond time

Sunday, March 16, 2003

The Wheel of Life



The Wheel of life is constantly spinning this way and that

Each new spin brings about changes

These changes can be either wonderful, hopeful and loving,

or they can be destructive, hurtful, and painful.

Out of the pain and sorrow will always grow wonder and amazement

if you learn to plant the seeds of change and water them with love

You can either fully embrace the beauty of change

or cling to the side of the wheel fighting it until you can hold on no more

When you let go and enjoy the ride,

you will be spiraled inward on a journey of the self.

A journey to your inner most thoughts and dreams

Are you ready to see yourself for who you can be

or are you still clinging on to the side of the wheel?